Cybersecurity: Prevision 2023 

Cybersecurity, Prevision of 2023: cyberattacks will not slow but will increase more and more. In their annual threat rapport which was posted by The American enterprise Trellix, is predicting an increase in cyber-attacks caused by the geopolitical conflict in Asia and Europe and an intensification of hacktivism.
The Advance Research Center from Trellix predicts that the geopolitical issue will continue to pave the way in the cyber world.
“Businesses and organizations mainly focus on ongoing threats. We recommend that they look beyond and also anticipate future threats because the geopolitical context and the adoption of new technologies will contribute to the emergence of ever more sophisticated threats and the emergence of new malicious actors“
John Fokker, in charge of the Cyber Investigation unit at Trellix
At the beginning of November, the European agency dedicated to Cybersecurity, l’ENISA, mentioned that the war in Ukraine changed the data and created new emerging tendencies. A fact declared by Trellix many times.
Cyber War
Geopolitics should therefore continue to be at the heart of hackers’ strategies and encourage the emergence of disinformation campaigns.
“The rise of geopolitically motivated cyberattacks and misinformation campaigns may continue to shape the cyberthreat landscape through 2023.”
Anne An, Threat Analysis.
The conflict between China and Taiwan was attacked by a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service), right after the visit from the speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. It could also be used by a foreign hacker as a perfect motivation to launch Cyberattacks at the allies of Taipei like Japan or South Korea.
As for North Korea, they could also intensify their cyber operation, to follow the plan of government.
The Upsurge of Hacktivism
It was reported by the European cybersecurity officers that the Russian invasion of Ukraine involved nearly 70 groups of hackers. It even included Anonymous and the “Cyber Army of Russia” which demonstrated an unusual level of sophistication in operations.
The year 2023 could expect a real “BOOM” for vulnerable software, especially in supply chains company that are using outdated programs. An increase in attacks aimed at satellites in orbit around the earth or other spatial infrastructures. Also watch out for “Call-Back phishing”, which are email campaigns pretending to be high-priced subscriptions designed to lead to confusion by the recipient as they never subscribed to these services.
If it seems like a lot, that’s because it is. Cybersecurity should be at the top of your priorities because taking it lightly might cost you your business. In fact, according to a study, 62% of small to medium companies fold up within six months after falling victim to a cyber-attack.
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